Market Making
Features > Transparency > Market-Making dashboard
Last updated
Features > Transparency > Market-Making dashboard
Last updated
The Market-Making dashboard provides market makers with a comprehensive view of their market-making activities and key performance indicators. The dashboard includes a range of metrics, such as volume traded, virtual P&L, number of trades, and number of orders, which can be used to analyze market-making performance and optimize strategies. The dashboard also allows for filtering of data by time period, exchange, and pair, enabling users to drill down into specific areas of interest.
Analysis of market-making activities KPIs (virtual P&L, number of trades/orders, volumes by exchange).
Provide market-making metrics and analysis of virtual P&L.
Time period filter is provided for clients.
Number of Orders - Count of Unique Orders using uniqueIDs.
Number of Trades - Count of Executed Trades.
Virtual P&L:
Represents unrealized “profit” of the difference between the executed price and the index price.
Index price is an aggregated USD equivalent created by Flowdesk using data from multiple exchanges and/or DEXs
Buying lower than the index and selling higher than the index would be positive events.
Example: If we execute a trade to buy at .95 and the index value is 1.00, we have a virtual profit of .05. In effect we have purchased the asset for less than our known market value. This is possible due to price and liquidity differences between various exchanges but also within one exchange.
Volume Traded - USD equivalent sum of trades (buy/sell)
Daily Traded Volumes:
USD Sum of trade volume.
Includes trades on both sides - buying and selling.
Daily Virtual P&L:
Sum of Virtual P&L
Proportion of Volume in Currency2.
Currency2 is used to value the base currency.
Proportion of Volume by Exchange in USD.
Virtual P&L by Pair:
Virtual P&L at exchange/pair level.
Execution spread is calculated by subtracting the price index from the price and dividing by the price index: (price - price_index) / price_index.
Weighted execution spread is calculated by totaling the execution spread for every transaction (execution spread multiplied by the volume) and then dividing by the total volume (sum(execution_spread *volume) / sum(volume).